Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Welcome to my blog - The journey from head to heart

Hello and welcome! This is my latest attempt at blogging.. The third innings of a match, if there's such a thing. I guess I can say that I am not satisfied with my previous two flings with blogging and am determined to have a go again! 

What am I blogging about this time? The journey from head to heart!

Head always wants rationale, it wants some logic.
But the heart doesn't care, it possesses the ability to spread magic!

How often do we consciously realize the head/heart tug of war influencing our decisions everyday?

For instance, you're walking along somewhere and encounter a homeless person asking for alms. What prompts you to give alms to the destitute? Head or heart?

While there is no right answer to this, it ought to make us more aware about what goes on within us. 

How about empowering the homeless person so that he can earn his daily bread and butter? But I don't have the time for it. I wish I had the time!

Suppose you really don't have any change to spare. How about giving a hug to the same person to atleast make him feel better? But I worry about hygiene! And what if the homeless person turns out to be a rogue?

Or spare some time and try to bring a smile to them? Hmmm, maybe. But I wish I had the time!

You see, the journey from head to heart is a tricky one. Maybe it isn't even a journey at all! What we really need is a balance of both. One ruling the other can lead to chaos in our life.
His Holiness Sri Sri Ravishankar says - See the world through your heart and then you will find that there is so much beauty, so much love, so much innocence and such good intentions in people.
If we see the same world through the head then we find a lot of cunning, a lot of mistrust and doubts. All these come when you see the world through the head. When you see through the heart, it is a little world.
But both are needed. You can’t be naive and see the world only through the glasses of the heart. Sometimes you need to see through the head, a perfect balance of the two. There are some who are stuck in their head and some who are always in an emotional mess. Both are incomplete.
So the point I'm trying to make here is, the key is awareness! Awareness of the head/heart influence. And that leads to awareness of our decisions, our choices and our likes/dislikes. But this is just a starting point. Ultimately it leads to awareness of the self  :)

Hope I am able to have a fulfilling "fling" with blogging, this time through this blog and share my view of things!

P.S. Awareness about decisions/choices/likes/dislikes/etc. means being conscious about them. It DOESN'T mean analyzing / over-thinking.